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Helping Calgarians nd HomeFirst Issue 2021 Home FirstKnow What You Need in a HomeFamily FirstValuesHelping you nd your First Home

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Veronica and Michael PalinHelping Calgarians nd HomeVeronica and Michael Palin love helping people nd the place to call home. They provide new buyers in the South Calgary area the extra care and attention to en-sure they buy the right home in the neighbourhood best suited to them and their families.New to the Calgary area? Buying your rst home?Want extra care and attention?



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Knowing what You Need in a Home

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The rst step to buying a home is to dream about what you want and plan for what you need. Unless you are building your custom dream home on the perfect piece of land, you will not nd every-thing you want in a home, so it’s important to understand what you need, what you will compromise on, and what you can’t live without. If you don’t know what you need in a home, you can end up buying the wrong home. Start by looking around your home, what do you love about the space? What frus-trates you? How do you inter-act with the space, what parts do you use every day, which parts do you rarely use? Take inventory of your be-longings, which ones are pre-cious to you? Which items can be sold, sent to thrift stores, or tossed out? Your new space won’t work if your prized hand-bag collection has no place to shine. The next step is to un-derstand you, your habits, and your lifestyle. If you don’t workout, your won’t suddenly start because you move into a new space beside a fancy

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gym. You are who you are, and you need what you need for how you live your life, so nd the home that suits you best. Once you’ve taken inven-tory of your current situation, your lifestyle, and yourself, you can start to dream about the perfect house. Start a Pin-terest board of images show-casing the things you’d like in your home. Dream big, but, understand you won’t nd ev-erything you dream about in one already built package. Now bring it all togeth-er by listing out everything you’ve come up with and ask yourself, “What can I live with-out? What can I easily change? And what must absolutely be in the space?” Take this list with you as you look at homes to help you compare one home to the next because af-ter a few, all the details start to blend. There is a lot to consid-er when looking for the right home and having a clear pic-ture of what you need will help to ensure you save time and purchase the right home.

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A career in real estate for the Palins is a legacy because Veronica’s father was a builder and her son, Michael, works as a Realtor® with her. At the core of everything they do is the their care for their clients, which makes it easy to go the extra mile to help them. Whilebuyingherrsthome, Veronica discovered sheenjoyedndinghomes.The thing which frustrated her was the lack of support and service she’d receive from Realtors as a new home buy-er.Shewasn’tabletondtheright agent to work with her, so she found her home by mak-ing the appointments to view homes and then buying the home through the listing agent, which is not an ideal situa-tionforarst-timebuyerwhoneeds someone in their corner protecting their interests. Due to her experience, she saw a gap in the market to educate buyers who don’t understand the ins and outs of buying a home in Calgary, Alberta Canada. Which is why she enjoys working with wom-en, immigrants, and seniors, who may take more patience, education, and resources to help make the best decision for them. When Veronica started out asaRealtor,shebenetedbypartnering with someone who had 30 years of experience as a Realtor. By working with someone with lots of experi-ence in the industry she was better prepared to provide ser-vice to her clients and in turn, help mentor new Realtors likeVeronica and MichaelPalin Realtors®

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Michael when he became a Realtor. After completing his schooling, Michael decided acareerhelpingpeoplendwhat they were looking for in a homewasgoingtobefullling,after all, he’d watched Veron-ica help people, so he knew itwasagoodtforwhathewanted to do with his life, help others. By working together, they give their clients two different viewpoints to help them in their decision-making process. Ve-ronica sees the world from an X-Gen woman’s perspective, while Michael brings the more youthful Millennial approach to home buying. Veronica is a talker and points out the features a client may have missed during show-ings. Michael observes, listens to the client interacting with Ve-ronica, and then asks thought-ful questions to help the client assess the home or see some-thing about it differently. They are able to support each other and continue to work closely because they value what each of them brings to the table. The main reason they are able to work so well together is, at the core, they both value the same thing when working with clients – helping their cli-ents get the right home, sup-porting them throughout the process, and ensuring the cli-ent’s interests are protected. These core values are rooted in the Palin family, and it shows in the relationship of

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all three generations. Whether they are cooking meals togeth-er to share for the week, help-ing each other run errands, or running a business they do it together. They take care of each other, which makes it natural for them to care about their clients and give them the same helping hand. Each client has their own unique needs, and the Palins are not opposed to rolling up their sleeves and helping their clients with the work of moving orndingthemtherightser-vices to make the process less stressful. Helping others and being neighbourly is a way of life for them. They both grew up in the Calgary and love the entre-preneurial get it done attitude of those who choose to call the area home. There is so much to love about the area, the proximity to the mountains, the big sunny skies, the trails throughout the city, the peo-ple, and the ease of getting around. One of the best things about the city is its affordabil-ity, which is why it remains a young city as those starting out in life come to take advantage of work opportunities, to get ahead, and have a quality life-style. It’s a place where young families can grow, where you know your neighbours, and help each other out. There re-ally is no better place to call home.

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