The rst step to buying
a home is to dream about
what you want and plan for
what you need. Unless you are
building your custom dream
home on the perfect piece of
land, you will not nd every-
thing you want in a home, so
it’s important to understand
what you need, what you will
compromise on, and what
you can’t live without. If you
don’t know what you need in a
home, you can end up buying
the wrong home.
Start by looking around
your home, what do you love
about the space? What frus-
trates you? How do you inter-
act with the space, what parts
do you use every day, which
parts do you rarely use?
Take inventory of your be-
longings, which ones are pre-
cious to you? Which items can
be sold, sent to thrift stores,
or tossed out? Your new space
won’t work if your prized hand-
bag collection has no place to
The next step is to un-
derstand you, your habits,
and your lifestyle. If you don’t
workout, your won’t suddenly
start because you move into
a new space beside a fancy