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Download Your Free Content PackageMonthly Content Package includes 10 social media postsGraphics PLUS a written story, a tweet, and writing prompts for each image for you to use on your social media platforms

Click the Peel

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Keep Your Funnel FullContentsHow You Say It MattersBe an Expert“Personal branding is the art of becoming knowable, likable and trustable” John JantschMeet the Realtor5 Marketing MythsSales? Shoot Me Now

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Publisher: MarketAPeel Editor / Writer: Shanon PeelDesign: Shannon PeelCurbAPeel Magazine is published by MarketAPeel939 Homer Street Unit 411 Vancouver, BC V6B 2W6 778-839-0521© Copyright 2021 MarketAPeel. All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be reproduced into any information retrieval systems without the written permission of MarketAPeel. The publishers are not responsible in whole or part for any errors or omissions in this publication. ISSN:

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Keep YourFunnel FullBy Shannon Peel As a real estate profession-al, it can be tough to keep yourfunnel lling up when you arebusy providing for & taking care of your clients, resulting in a feast or famine cycle. A funnel needs structure, aprocess to move leads throughit and communication to stayconnected with them. Is yourlead funnel full or empty?Ask Yourself:1.  Where do I currently get my leads from?2.  When I get a lead what do I do with it?3.  How do leads know what I do?4.  How do leads progress through a funnel?5.  Where do I lose my audience’s attention?6.  Do you communicate with past clientsor ghost them? A funnel strategy ensuresyour brand story stays in frontof your audience and you don’tlose your potential clientsor forget your best referringclients.Funnel StagesAwareness - When they rst see your brandInterest - When they start en-gaging with your brand storyDecision - When they start con-sidering your brand service /productClose - When they become a customerRetention - When they go from customer to advocate

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Steps to Create a FunnelFirst step: Identify how the mar-ket knows you exist and whenthey engage with your brand.Ask Yourself:1.  Did they like a social media post?2.  Did they open up an email?3.  Did they visit your website?4.  Did they send you an email?5.  Did they schedule a meeting?6.  Did they call you?Having multiple paths to yourfunnel will help ll it up, howev-er ensure you know which pathsbring you the ‘best’ leads andfocus your resources on those.Second step: Map out the pro-cess your leads will journeythrough to become a client.What happens when a leadengages with your brand sto-ry? Do you ignore them andhope they will see the nextpiece of your story or do youmove them to a CRM, a list, orat least engage with them bycommenting on their storytell-ing efforts?AwarenessInterestDecisionCloseRetain

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What is your onboarding pro-cess once a lead becomes a cli-ent? Communicating with yourclient about what to expectfrom you and how to contactyou will reduce misunderstand-ings and start your relationshipoff on the right foot!
Click here for an example of afunnel process. --->Step three: Make notes aboutwhich problems you solve, whatyou want your leads to knowabout you, and the image yourbrand story needs to portray.Step four:Create the contentand set up the automationtools to help you nurture yourleads consistently with triggersto let you know when you needto pick up the phone and callsomeone.It takes time and effort to setup a funnel process, but once itis set up it’s done and runs itselfwith some tweaks to make itmore efcient. By ensuring youconnect with your leads, evenwhen they aren’t in the marketto buy or sell, you will spendmore timefeasting and less timehunting down your next meal.Download theMap out your FunnelWorksheetClick the cover

Want to know more about creating a funnel process?

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Published by MarketAPeelPushers of the PossibleAvailable on AmazonBuy it Today

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5 Marketing MythsBy Adam Sinkus of My Roong SEO You have probably heard things like, “You have to SEO your website, social media is the best marketing tool, video is the best medium, you have to be on every social media platform,” or a host of other things you “Should” be doing with your marketing. I am going to break down what the myths are and what you should really be focused on. Click the button beside the myth to discover why... Myth #1: More trafc = More moneyMyth #2: Content. Content. Content.Myth #3: Keywords will get you ranked On GoogleMyth #4: Must have a HUGE Social Me-dia followingMyth #5: I Have To Be on All Social Plat-forms All The Time The reality is that market-ing does not have to be as hard as many people think. The myths above break down into foundational skills that as a real estate professional, you need to understand to move your business forward.Go to My Roong SEO

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Meet the RealtorColleen ShorterThe Palins Colleen likes to help those who need her expertise in contract law and real estate. Colleen’s service is for everyday people who are selling the home they’ve lived in for a lifetime, people who are new to Canada, or someone who is just starting out on their home ownership journey. A career in real estate for the Palins is a legacy because Veronica’s father was a builder and her son, Michael, works as a Realtor® with her. At the core of everything they do is the their care for their clients, which makes it easy to go the extra mile to help them nd the right home for them.Vancouver, BCTap on the covers to learn more about each professionalCalgary, AB

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Calgary, AB Susanita de Diego is an ex-perienced REALTOR® in Calgary and surrounding areas including Country Residential Real Estate and the towns of Airdrie, Co-chrane, Okotoks, Strathmore, Chestermere and Langdon. As a member of the Calgary Real Estate Board, she has her nger on the pulse of the indus-try and can interpret the market Susanita de Diegodata to provide the correct in-formation to help her clients make the best decisions for them. When Susanita started her Real Estate career, she discov-ered being a REALTOR® gave her the opportunity to help people and be of service. Being of service is what drives Susanita. Whether she is serving clients, her team, the the REALTORS® in her brokerage, or the members of the Calgary Real Estate Board, people come rst.

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A Good Lead is Hard to Find By Shannon Peel In school you may have read Flannery O Conner s short story A Good Man is Hard to Find In the story the definition of Good has lost all meaning and the grandmother doesn t know a Good Man from a bad one Do you know a Good Lead from a Bad one Ask Yourself How do I define a Good Lead What do I say when I ask for referrals What questions do I ask a person to qualify them as a good lead Find Good Leads Get Involved The best thing you can do is get involved in your community When I was apart of my community s minor soccer association people started calling me to ask me questions about the community beyond soccer because I proved myself as a community resource Whether it s within your church your rec centres or the schools help committees associations and groups make things happen

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Good clients are referred by good clients Offer the best service you can ask for feedback to improve and ask them to refer you to friends How to ask for Referrals Identify a group of people Add a reason they need your service Tell them what you want them to do If you know anyone who has kids in elementary school and might be thinking of getting a bigger place please pass on my name Or If you know anyone who has kids in University and might be thinking of downsizing please pass on my name

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Ask in multiple ways Add a line of copy on marketing materials and your email signature to let people know you appreciate their referrals It can be as simple as Referrals welcome to subtle Your friends will love my service to an incentive Ask about my referral rewards program Send a follow up letter of gratitude and ask them to tell their friends and family about their experience Explain why you enjoyed working with them what you liked or thought of them and if they know other people like them to refer Give them a positive emotional experience before asking for what you want Ask in person This is the most important way you can ask because it is a personal and you can tell from their behaviour how open they are to referring people Personal service comes when we Want Help Gathering Reviews MarketAPeel s Reputation Management services includes review gathering service to make building your online reputation easy Click the Peel to Chat

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change our scripts to meet the client where they are and provide them what they need Invite them and a friend to an open house a coffee meet up an event you are sponsoring or organizing Most people like to attend events and parties with people they know instead of showing up alone their friends not about your business Stay away from statements where referrals only benefit you like I make my living by helping people buy homes If your referral asking script starts with the letter I consider changing it Make notes about the times when things went right and your client was happy then How and When you Ask when you follow up after they move in and are settled you You can ask for a referral can remind them of those moat any time during the process ments and ask if they know anyThe best time to ask is when one who needs help with those your client is feeling positive specific things and happy about your service The more specific you are Make it apart of the conversathe more likely the lightbulb tion without pressuring them to will come on when a friend of think of someone on the spot theirs mentions they need help Say something like If you Being vague and general will know anyone who needs help not help them know whom to with I will ensure they are well it as easy for them as possible taken care of too to know you are the person for When you ask for a referthat friend ral keep it about them and

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Stay in Touch Don t ghost your clients Partner with other businesses to sponsor a day in the park event Comment on their social Call them to ask how the media posts liking is not home is coming together enough and catch up Send them a congrats email Have a coffee n chat dropif they posted something exin at the local coffee shop citing BYOC Create a community resource Create a MarketAPeel digital platform directory of approved busi Send information on communesses nity events you think they ll be interested in Do you have a strategy to Invite them to visit you at keep your brand in front of your open houses in their neighclients long after they have bourhood finished their property transac

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tion MarketAPeel s multimedia interactive digital publications can help you tell your brand story to your clients View all MarketAPeel s multimedia interactive digital publications Click the Peel Qualify A Lead Before you take them shopping for a home find out Have they talked to the bank or mortgage broker How much do they have for a downpayment When do they want to sell their home Do they want to list at way over market price Was their home listed before why didn t it sell Are they willing to listen to your advice Do they tell you how to do your job Do they want to look at homes beyond their income What does your gut say about them

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MarketAPeel PublicationsClick Covers to Discover an APeeling ExperienceDiscover them today!Click covers for a digital experience

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There is only one reason Real Estate Professionals fail — NO SALES. Without sales there is no cashow and without cash-ow there is no business. Most small business owners As a real estate professional your ability to sell yourself, your listings, and help buyers make a decision, will keep the lights on or shut the door forever. There is a lot more to be-ing a real estate professional than just sales though and since your attention can be divided between clients, paperwork, and your own personal mar-keting, you cannot be in ‘sales’ mode all the time, which results in a feast and famine existence. Sales? Shoot me NowClick the Peel to continue readingby Shannon Peel

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RetainCloseDecisionInterestAwarenessMarketAPeel tells your story throughout your sales funnel

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ClickHereClickHereClickHereClickHereClickHereLet the market know you existIdentify the Market's Problems Let the market know Why you are the REALTOR® for themList the property or show them Properties to buyFoster continued loyalty and advocacy for referrals

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“You have to tell a story before you can sell a story.”- Beth Comstock

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Be An ExpertAs a Real Estate Professional, the market expects you to be an expert in buying and selling real estate, this is not a unique selling feature for your brand. Think about the things you are passionate about, be it within the Real Estate Industry or out-side it. Set yourself apart by being known as the Real Estate Agent who <insert your pas-sion>!To be seen as an Expert,you need to establish:1. Credibility 2. Knowledgeability 3. VisibilityClick the PEEL to discover ideas to help you build an ex-pert brand and tell the story!

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e Offer Love LeerQuestionWhen in a competing offer situation is it a good idea to send a personal letter with the offer giving personal details about the potential buyer? Comments may be used in future article with backlinks to your website & promotion on MarketAPeel’s various social media platforms.Click to Comment

Comments may be used in future article on the topic. If so, a backlink to your website, links to social media profiles will be added.

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Available on AmazonBuy it Today

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How You Say itBy Likky Lavji John felt like he was al-ways ying off the handle with his team at work. It seemed like everyone was unhappy and no one was good at their job. Af-ter his team missed yet another deadline, he brought them to-gether to discuss the problem and nd a solution. He started the meeting by saying, “Well, you all did it again, missed the deadline and now we all don’t get paid.” He grabbed a contract and ipped the pages. “Stacy, do you even know what you’re doing? It looks like you slapped it togeth-er last minute.” The rest of the meeting continued the same way with others taking up the blame game to direct John’s attention away from them. John left the meeting drained and confused. He knew the team was made up of skilled and experienced individ-uals who should be hitting the team’s targets easily. Were they the problem, or was he? When he mentioned this problem to a friend, he asked, “John is ev-eryone on your team incompe-tent?” John assured them they were all competent and talented individuals. They just were per-forming below their potential. His friend asked more questions and listened closely to how John was telling the sto-ry. He then said, “If you criticize their work constantly, you are setting the tone and they will not performfor fear of being yelled at.”Click Peel to Read

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What is MarketAPeel? Shannon Peel createdthe MarketAPeel Agency tohelp businesses who neededcontent to tell their brand storyto the marketplace. She is a writer, a ghostwriter, a copywriter, a graphicdesigner, a website designer, apresentation creator, a podcasthost, a marketer, a salesperson,and a publisher. Last year, to tell her client'sstories to the marketplace,she published, "APeeling"MarketAPeel's rst multimedia digital magazine, whichreceived raving feedback fromboth readers and the featuredbusinesses. Shannon loves writing anddesigning "APeeling" so much,she decided to offer a "YourOwn Magazine" product to herclients and they loved the idea.Her social media communityencouraged her to pivot herbusiness to digital magazinepublishing because they lovedthe stories she told.

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How MarketAPeel Tells Brand StoriesMeet with MarketAPeel toDiscuss Your Brand StoryMultimedia Interactive Brochures6 page ipbook style brochure all about you and your services.Includes professional writer, designer, and publisherIncludes one 4 content pop ups - video, audio, presentation, galleryStarting at $900Multimedia Interactive Periodical12 - 48 page ipbook style periodical 4 - 12 months per yearIncludes professional writer, designer, and publisherIncludes articles, video, audio, presentation, photo galleryStarting at $1750 / issueSocial MediaGeneric Real Estate Content pkg with copy & graphics $20/mCustomized content and full service management $500/mOther ServicesWebsite designBook writing, layout design, cover art, & publishingMarketing strategy, content creation, and campaign management

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