You are standing at the beginning of
a journey. Where you end up in the
end is up to you.
It won’t always feel like it. There will
be times when you feel you have no
choices, where things happen to you
instead because of you.
In these moments you will learn who
you are and what you are capable of.
When you come up against adversi-
ty. When things don’t go your way.
When life seems to be against you.
Remember, you have a purpose
waiting for you on the other side.
Each day you wake up you make
decisions and those decisions lead to
more decisions, which lead to more
decisions. With every decision, you
are steering your journey towards one
port or another and which port you
end up in is determined by those de-
cisions you made ten years prior plus
every decision made along the way.
Today, you have a choice. You have
a dream. You have hopes. You have
the opportunity to decide which port
your life will visit in ten years’ time.
You can choose to drift and let the
current take you where it wants you
to go or you can set your sights on a
port far off in the distance and chart
a course for it.
Along the way, you will have to
ght the current, you will encounter
storms, and you will lose some car-
go along the way.
It isn’t as easy as letting the current
decide your fate, but in ten years,
you will make your way into that port
and reap its benets. Whereas those
who are still oundering in the currents
will continue to have no destination.