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MarketAPeel’s Book of Event Speakers & Corporate TrainersPresenters

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KeynotesBreak OutsWorkshopsTraining PodcastsArticlesWebinarsMeetingsIn Person VirtualHybridOpen to OptionsShannon Peel talks onstorytelling to improvecommunication, meetobjectives, and connectwith customersAvailable for:

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By understanding the customer journey,brands can tell stories that tap into theexperiences of their customer base andoffer up their product or service as thesolution that will get them the results theywant. In this presentation, Shannon Peelwill peel back the layers between brandand ideal customer to find commonthreads to weave relatable stories. Youraudience will receive a deeperunderstanding of their ideal customer anda story structure that talks directly totheir needs, desires, and experiences.Experiential Storytelling:Tapping into what mattersto your audienceChange yournarrativeto change your lifeLife's traumas can leave us castingourselves as the victim in our storiesinstead of its hero and making it hardfor us to heal and rise above oursituation. In this presentationaudiences learn the difference betweenvictim and hero language to help themrewrite their narrative and start on theroad to recovery. When we rewrite ournarrative using hero language we learnhow to look at our trauma's fromdifferent points of view and takeownership of our story as heroes. Non Ad Directory Listing 2 Page Spread is this page and the one before it Click buttons for more on Shannon Peel

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Shannon Peel is the creative force behind theMarketAPeel Brand. She works from her homeoffice overlooking life in Downtown Vancouver,BC Canada. She is passionate about stories andhow to they connect people and exploring whypeople make the choices they make. Peopledescribe her as intelligent, quick witted, andcreative, all things she takes pride in as shevalues intelligent thought and solution basedproductivity. Shannon PeelBy understanding the customer journey,brands can tell stories that tap into theexperiences of their customer base andoffer up their product or service as thesolution that will get them the results theywant. In this presentation, Shannon Peelwill peel back the layers between brandand ideal customer to find commonthreads to weave relatable stories. Youraudience will receive a deeperunderstanding of their ideal customer anda story structure that talks directly totheir needs, desires, and experiences.Experiential Storytelling:Tapping into what mattersto your audienceChange yournarrativeto change your lifeLife's traumas can leave us castingourselves as the victim in our storiesinstead of its hero and making it hardfor us to heal and rise above oursituation. In this presentationaudiences learn the difference betweenvictim and hero language to help themrewrite their narrative and start on theroad to recovery. When we rewrite ournarrative using hero language we learnhow to look at our trauma's fromdifferent points of view and takeownership of our story as heroes. Non Ad Directory Listing 1 pg option

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Presenter PricingNon Ad Directory Listing Two Page SpreadIncludes:Email buttonPhone buttonWebsite buttonBooking buttonPop up video buttonDownloadable PDFLinkedin Button$1999Includes:Bio and two talksDisplayed photoEmbedded videoDesign optionsAvailable for ChecklistPhoto gallery (10 photos)One PageIncludes 3 buttons (Choose):Email buttonPhone buttonWebsite buttonBooking buttonPop up video buttonDownloadable PDFLinkedIn Button$1499Includes:Copy area Displayed photoEmbedded videoDesign optionsPhoto gallery (5 photos)Pricing is for 12 month listing in the bookPotential readership is beyond 10 000 people who book speakersBook is emailed monthly to ten thousand people who book speakers and corporate trainersBook will be advertised on social media / google adwords to increase readershipBook will be promoted from September 2025 - December 2026The issue will remain active after promotion period but won’t be promoted after 12/26Talk to Shannon

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Hilary FordwichIn this presentation, Hilary Fordwichshares how technical professionals candevelop human engineering skills to growtheir books of business and retain theirbest clients. Audiences will leave withtools and processes that are guaranteedto achieve their business' financial goals.This engaging talk delivers technicalcontent and inspires people to build trustbased relationships by giving thempractical solutions they will embrace whenthey get home.How to Gain & Retain ClientsEstablish trust, respect, and likability fast forsustainable business growth.

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