Tell a woman she’s beautiful and she’ll
push back with shame inducing vitriol,
accusations of sexual harassment, objec-
tication, and sexism. “I thought she was
beautiful and for that I am a predator.”
In the race to balance out corporate lead-
ership, reverse genderism is occurring. “I
am passed over for promotion time and
time again because leadership wants more
diversity. Is it any wonder that I quit trying
and started doing the bare minimum.”
Men are expected to take the abuse, suck
it up and be happy to work hard for those
who offer no appreciation or gratitude, at
home and at work. “What is the point? Why
get married or into a relationship when I get
nothing but grief demands and abuse?”
Men are being abused by their spouses
and society thinks that’s OK because men
being scared of their wives is good comedy.
“If I say something, if I claim I am a victim
of abuse I will become a joke to my friends.
The courts won’t listen to me and she will
walk away with a big payday and the kids.”
Since most men make more money than
their wives, they end up having to pay
child support. Many men are working long
hours and don’t have their kids half the
time, so they end up paying even more in
child support. “Why bother going to work
when I get nothing on payday.”
Does any of this
sound familiar to you?
If so, keep reading this book
This book is a jumping off point where
men can share their ideas, stories, and
opinions in the men only community.
It is a place to explore the question:
“How to be successful as a man
in the 21st Century.”
Inside the pages you will discover, links, vid-
eos, podcasts, and other features. The pur-
pose is to provide you with ideas, insights,
and inspiration to get you to think about
what it means to be a successful man as the
world transitions from a male dominated
hierarchy to a new world order of inclusion.