This summer I was a campaign
manager for a candidate in Canada’s
Federal Election.
Trudeau’s decision to call an elec-
tion came at a time of turmoil in Afghan-
istan where we failed to help those who
helped our soldiers. In the west, the for-
ests of British Columbia were wiping out
communities and drought was wiping
out crops. These situations were made
worse due to the ineffective decisions of
our leaders.
During the 6-week election cam-
paign, while Canadians decided whom
to vote for, the decision of whether or
not to be vaccinated divided a country.
Those who decided to get vacci-
nated became angry at those who de-
cided against it and they started to feel
superior to these outliers.
Some from the anti-vaccination
camp became angry enough to chose
to protest in front of busy hospitals, put-
ting other’s lives in danger and insulting
our healthcare workers. Now many risk
their jobs if they continue to choose to
remain unvaccinated.
Recently, media stories of unvac-
cinated people regretting their decision
as they, or a loved one, lays dying in an
ICU bed have become common.
It has been a year of decisions for
people around the world and not just
around vaccinations. There is some-
thing simmering below the surface that
lets off a bit of steam when society is
faced with a decision. Be it political, reli-
gious, or our health.
If we are to avoid the dangers this
anger poses, we need to start making
better decisions personally, profession-
ally, and globally. The question I have
is can people make the decisions they
need to make, or will the emotional cur-
rent continue to grow until it erupts and
lashes out?
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