Achievement loading...
You want to live a life full of achievement to feel like you are getting ahead
and progressing toward your goals. The experts in this book understand what
it takes to achieve success and how to keep doing the work when all you
want to do is quit. Each of us denes success in our own way, and even so-
ciety judges success dierently than previous generations because there is
access to unlimited people.
When we are in the moment of living our lives, it can be hard to see what can
qualify as an achievement. In a world where you are only as good as your
last achievement, it can feel like you are on a hamster wheel of never-ending
struggle to achieve what you want out of life and work.
That is why stopping and taking stock of what you’ve achieved in life so far is vital.
Throughout our lives, we have times of plenty, where everything we touch
turns to gold, and we feel successful. We also have times of famine, where
nothing works out no matter how hard we try. This is why having a record of
your achievements is so important. It reminds us of what we are capable of.
Sharing our achievements with others opens doors and invites opportunities
we never imagined possible. When you are excited about the problems you
solve, others will start to see you as capable, responsible, and skilled. You be-
come the go-to person to help them achieve their goals and support organi-
zations to meet their targets.
Yet, most of us are too humble to blow our own horn. We feel uncomfortable
when put on the hot seat to share our achievements and successes with oth-
ers. Sharing our accomplishments makes us vulnerable to attack from those
who enjoy knocking people o their pedestals.
In this book, you will learn how to make time to accomplish your personal and
professional goals without burning out. You will hear inspiring stories to mo-
tivate you to keep going and take one step towards your ultimate goal. The
experts you will listen to on these pages will give you actionable ideas you
can immediately undertake to improve your results.
Full access pass holders can download workbooks, watch videos, and read
full articles to go deeper and learn how to achieve the success they want in
their life, career, or business.
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Where you go is 100% up to you
are you ready to achieve more in your life?
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